
Climate and Average Weather Year Round in San Felipe del Progreso Mexico. In San Felipe del Progreso, the wet season is overcast, the dry season is partly cloudy, and it is comfortable year round. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 1°C to 23°C and is rarely below -2°C or above 27°C. The warm season lasts for 2.3 months, from March 31 to June 8, with an average daily high temperature above 22°C. The hottest month of the year in San Felipe del Progreso is May, with an average high of 23°C and low of 8°C.
The cool season lasts for 2.0 months, from December 4 to February 5, with an average daily high temperature below 19°C. The coldest month of the year in San Felipe del Progreso is January, with an average low of 1°C and high of 18°C.
Weather - Rancho Oojo de Aqua



Cerro de Jocotitlan

The Majestic Jocotitlán Volcano as we see it from Rancho El Oja de Aqua: A sacred peak in Mexico. Jocotitlán, or Xocotépetl, is a magnificen...